Company Profile
EMG provides its customers with uncompromising reliability coupled with intelligent innovation. Significant increases in efficiency for all production steps are at the heart of our services. The main application fields for serial products, single components and for complex system solutions by the EMG group are continuous production processes in the metal, paper and plastic as well as in the films and tire industry. EMG’s solutions in the field of strip guidance systems and quality assurance systems offer the security of the longstanding world market leader and the dynamic of an innovation driver. Based on a deep understanding of the requirements of the market, we pave the way as a team player for new applications and business segments of the future together with our customers. In this way we actively shape the market with the high quality of our services and our innovative ideas.
We are experts in automation technology. Our outstanding performance and our trust-based cooperative style is inspirational to our customers, employees and owners alike.
We provide intelligent and complex automation solutions. As a technology leader serving profitable market niches, we are the supplier of choice for our customers. EMG is the number one provider because in light of the increasing globalisation, only a company who "plays in the Champions League" will be in a position to ensure sustainable and independent operation in the future.
Selling customer benefit
All our activities are focused on our customers. We are anxious to achieve customer satisfaction through supplying advanced, flexible applications, together with highly competent advice and service tailored to suit each customer.
A taste for performance
Enthusiastic, knowledgeable, flexible and responsible employees are our greatest asset and the source of our success.
"We are as good as the sum of our staff". This reflects our corporate culture which we live up to in all our day-to-day dealings. To us, mutual appreciation, friendliness, sharing of information, cooperation and loyalty are key virtues.
Know-how and innovative strength
Based on over 60 years of experience, we contribute to our customers' competitive strength through a constant and consistent programme of new and further developments on the basis of innovative production technologies, all to the same high quality level.
Tradition and regional roots
Being a traditionalist company, we identify with our region, its inhabitants and local industrial history. Against this background, we are particularly concerned with securing jobs in Germany. Our forward-looking investments and our clear commitment to our production site demonstrate our ambitions in this regard.
Management by objectives – the key to success
Our executives ensure that each member of staff knows and understands our mission statement and lives up to its aims. Each employee knows his or her tasks and objectives and pursues them under his or her own responsibility so as to make a real contribution to our company's overall success.
Main Product Category
BMI Inductive strip centre sensing system
BMI4 Inductive edge sensor
BMIH Inductive strip centre sensing system
BRAKEMATIC® Electrohydraulic brake systems control
BREIMO Strip width measurement
CCDpro Line scan camera Edge control
CCDpro Line scan camera Strip centre control
eBACS Baffle blade control system
ELDRO® Electrohydraulic thruster DC unit
ELDRO® Electrohydraulic thruster explosionsproof
ELDRO® Electrohydraulic thruster standard unit
ELHY® Electrohydraulic thruster type EB
ELHY® Electrohydraulic thruster type EBC
eMASS® Electromagnetic strip stabilization
EMI Inductive strip edge position sensing
ESZ Electric servo cylinder
EVM Sensor positioning device strip centre
EVK Sensor positioning device strip edge
EVK Sensor positioning device strip centre sensor
EKI Strip edge position sensing
eWIPE Automatic air knife lip cleaning
Follow-up solution
Guide frames with proportional correction
Guide frames with proportional steering correction (PI action)
HKA Hydraulic compact actuator
hotCAM - solutions hot process
HR Hydraulic power unit
HST Hydraulic controller
IMH Inductive strip centre sensing system
IMPOCpro Online measurement of tensile strength and yield point
IMR Inductive strip centre sensing system
EMG iCON® Digital strip position controller
LID43 LED light emitter
LLS Linear light source edge control
LLS Linear light source strip centre control
LS 43/44 Alternating light sensor
LS 13/14 Alternating light sensor
MICRONpro Pinhole detection
Phased out components
SMI Inductive strip measurement
SORM 3plus Online roughness measurement
SR Steering frame
Strip centering
Strip guidance
Strip guidance in a chemical processing installation
Strip guidance in a continuous furnace
Strip guidance on the coiler
Strip guidance on the uncoiler
Strip guidance on the uncoiler with remote sensing equipment
SV Servo valve
Three-roll steering stand
VKI Inductive strip edge position sensing edge sensor
VKI Inductive strip edge position sensing strip center sensor